[2022.11.19] 本實驗室論文獲 AAAI 2023 接受!
Our paper got accepted to AAAI 2023!
[2022.02.22] 恭喜實驗室主持人鄭文皇教授榮獲英國BCS (British Computer Society)電腦學會會士(Fellow)!
Congratulations! Prof. Wen-Huang Cheng was awarded the BCS Fellow.!
[2022.01.14] 本實驗室論文獲 IEEE ISCAS 2022 接受!
Our paper got accepted to IEEE ISCAS 2022!
[2022.01.08] 本實驗室論文獲 IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 接受!
Our paper got accepted to IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing!
[2021.10.25] 恭喜實驗室主持人鄭文皇教授榮獲第18屆國家新創獎!
Congratulations! Prof. Wen-Huang Cheng was awarded the 2021 National Innovation Award!

[2021.10.15] 本實驗室論文獲 ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications 接受!
Our paper got accepted to ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications!
[2021.08.30] 本實驗室論文獲 IEEE VCIP 2021 接受!
Our paper got accepted to IEEE VCIP 2021!
[2021.07.23] 本實驗室2篇論文獲 IEEE ICCV 2021 接受!
Our 2 papers got accepted to IEEE ICCV 2021!
[2020.07.08] 恭喜實驗室成員榮獲2021 IEEE ICME國際會議最佳論文獎!
Congratulations AIMMLab members on receiving the Best Paper Award of 2021 IEEE ICME!

[2021.07.04] 本實驗室論文獲 ACM Multimedia 2021 接受!
Our paper got accepted to ACM Multimedia 2021!
[2021.07.01] 本實驗室論文獲 IEEE/RSJ IROS 2021 接受!
Our paper got accepted to IEEE/RSJ IROS 2021!
[2021.06.22] 本實驗室論文獲 ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications 接受!
Our paper got accepted to ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications!
[2021.03.06] 本實驗室2篇論文獲 IEEE ICME 2021 接受!
Our 2 papers got accepted to IEEE ICME 2021!
[2021.01.28] 本實驗室論文獲國際期刊 IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 接受!
Our paper got accepted to IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems!
[2021.01.19] 本實驗室論文獲國際期刊 Pattern Recognition Letters 接受!
Our paper got accepted to Pattern Recognition Letters!
[2021.01.11] 本實驗室論文獲國際期刊 ACM Computing Surveys 接受!
Our paper got accepted to ACM Computing Surveys!
[2020.12.28] 本實驗室論文獲國際期刊 IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM) 接受!
Our paper got accepted to IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM)!
[2020.10.21-2020.10.24 @ Taipei, Taiwan] 本實驗室在自駕車智能感知與情景理解方面的研究成果,獲科技部指派於台北國際車用電子展展出
We, invited by Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan, to demonstrate our latest self-driving cars technology and solutions in the Autotronics Taipei 2020

[2020.10.09] 本實驗室論文獲國際期刊 IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental System 接受!
Our paper got accepted to IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental System!
[2020.09.14 @ AIMMLab] 台北市政府資訊局局長呂新科博士率團隊來訪
The Commissioner of the Department of Information Technology of the Taipei City Government led a group visiting our lab

[2020.08.25] 本實驗室在2020 ECCV GigaVision挑戰賽獲得了其中行人和車輛檢測任務的第三名!
Congratulations! We won the third place in the Pedestrian and Vehicle Challenge of the 2020 ECCV GigaVision Challenge!

[2020.08.24] 恭喜實驗室主持人鄭文皇教授榮獲英國IET (Institute of Engineering and Technology)工程技術學會會士(Fellow)!
Congratulations! Prof. Wen-Huang Cheng was awarded the IET Fellow.!
[2020.08.16-2020.08.18 @ Hsinchu, Taiwan] 本實驗室參與主辦第三十三屆電腦視覺圖學及影像處理研討會,吸引超過四百位專家學者與會
We organized 33rd CVGIP Conference (the largest local conference of computer vision and image processing in Taiwan), where 175 paper submissions were accepted with nearly 400 participants.

[2020.07.26] 本實驗室3篇論文獲 ACM Multimedia 2020 接受!
Our 3 papers got accepted to ACM Multimedia 2020!
[2020.07.22] 恭喜實驗室成員陳婕云榮獲2020年「科技部大專學生研究創作獎」!
Congratulations AIMMLab member on receiving the awards of 2020 MOST College Student Research Creativity Award!
[2020.06.18] 恭喜實驗室成員陳奕中、黃子楷榮獲2020年「科技部大專學生研究計畫」!
Congratulations 2 AIMMLab members on receiving the awards of 2020 MOST College Student Participation in Research Projects!
[2020.06.12] 本實驗室在2020 IEEE CVPR Look Into Person (LIP)挑戰賽獲得了其中多姿態虛擬服裝試穿任務的第一名!
Congratulations! We won the first place in the Image-based Multi-pose Virtual Try-on Challenge of the 2020 CVPR Look Into Person (LIP) Challenge!

[2020.06.07] 本實驗室論文獲國際期刊 IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 接受!
Our paper got accepted to IEEE Transactions on Multimedia!
[2020.05.04] 本實驗室在口罩人臉偵測與應用的研究成果獲台灣聯合新聞網關注報導!
Our research on masked face detection was reported by Taiwan's local newspapers!

[2020.03.23] 本實驗室論文獲國際期刊 IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 接受!
Our paper got accepted to IEEE Transactions on Image Processing!
[2020.03.09] 本實驗室論文獲 ACM ICMR 2020 接受!
Our paper got accepted to ACM ICMR 2020!
[2020.03.08] 本實驗室在微表情識別與應用的研究成果獲台灣中天新聞關注報導!
Our research on facial micro-expression was reported by Taiwan's local TV news!

[2020.02.24] 本實驗室與中國信託銀行的AI團隊攜手,共同建立台灣第一個基於微表情的AI人工智慧招募系統,透過記者會正式公開發表
We collaborated with Taiwan's CTBC Bank to develop the first micro-expression based AI recruitment system in Taiwan and hold its debut press conference

[2020.01.26] 本實驗室論文獲國際期刊 IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine 接受!
Our paper got accepted to IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine!
[2020.01.05-2020.01.08 @ Daejeon, Korea] 本實驗室參與主辦2020年MMM國際學術會議,吸引超過百位國際專家學者與會
We organized 2020 International Conference on Multimedia Modeling (MMM), where 76 out of 220 paper submissions were accepted and the technical program was complemented by three keynote speeches: "Towards Relation Inference and Causal Reasoning in Video," by Prof. Tat-Seng Chua (National University of Singapore); "Deep Video Compression: A Paradigm Shift from Block-based Hybrid Coding to Deep Learning based Neural Computation," by Prof. Munchurl Kim (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology); "Multimodal Emotion Analysis and Synthesis: From Audiovisual Interplay to Contextual Information in Dyadic Human Interaction," by Prof. Carlos Busso (University of Texas at Dallas)

[2020.01.02] 本實驗室論文獲國際期刊 IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM) 接受!
Our paper got accepted to IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM)!
[2019.12.16-2019.12.18 @ Beijing, China] 本實驗室參與主辦2019年ACM MMAsia國際學術會議,吸引近兩百位國際專家學者與會
We organized 2019 ACM International Conference on Multimedia in Asia (MMAsia), where 56 out of 240 paper submissions were accepted and the technical program was complemented by two keynote speeches: "Digital Retina – Improvement of Cloud Artificial Vision System from Enlighten of HVS Evolution," by Prof. Wen Gao (Peking University); "Multimodal Health Surveillance," by Prof. Ramesh Jain (University of California, Irvine)

[2019.11.30] 本實驗室論文獲 IEEE MIPR 2020 接受!
Our paper got accepted to IEEE MIPR 2020!
[2019.11.26-2019.11.30 @ AIMMLab] 兩位國際學者來訪:新加坡國立大學計算學院院長Mohan Kankanhalli教授、日本東京大學Kiyoharu Aizawa教授
Two international scholars visiting our lab: Prof. Mohan Kankanhalli from National University of Singapore giving a talk entitled, "Human-Centered Social Scene Understanding"; Prof. Kiyoharu Aizawa from University of Tokyo giving a talk entitled, "Building a Manga Dataset 'Manga109' for Multimedia Applications"

[2019.09.30] 本實驗室2篇論文獲 ACM Multimedia Asia 2019 接受!
Our 2 papers got accepted to ACM Multimedia Asia 2019!
[2019.09.27-2019.09.29 @ Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia] 本實驗室參與主辦2019年IEEE MMSP國際學術會議,吸引超過百位國際專家學者與會
We organized 2019 IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP), where 121 out of 261 paper submissions were accepted and the technical program was complemented by three keynote speeches: "Multimodal Intelligence: Understanding and Generation across Language and Vision," by Dr. Xiaodong He (JD AI Research); "Building a Manga Dataset Manga109 for Multimedia Applications," by Prof. Kiyoharu Aizawa (University of Tokyo); "Real-World Challenges and Practices of Large Scale Visual Intelligence," by Dr. Xian-Sheng Hua (DAMO Academy / Alibaba Cloud)

[2019.09.21-2019.09.27 @ AIMMLab] JD京東人工智慧研究院副院長梅濤博士(IEEE Fellow)來訪
Dr. Tao Mei, Vice Predient of JD AI Research visiting our lab and giving a talk entitled, "From Research to Products: Empowering Retailing Experiences with Computer Vision"

[2019.09.19-2019.09.26 @ AIMMLab] 新加坡國立大學蔡達成講座教授來訪
Prof. Tat-Seng Chua from National University of Singapore visiting our lab and giving a talk entitled, "Explanable AI and BigMM Research"

[2019.08.26] 本實驗室論文獲2019 CVGIP電腦視覺圖學及影像處理研討會優良論文獎!
Congratulations! We received the Best Paper Award at 2019 CVGIP (32nd IPPR Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing)!

[2019.08.22] 恭喜實驗室成員謝家瑋榮獲ACM Multimedia 2019「優秀學生出席會議補助」!
Congratulations AIMMLab member Chia-Wei Hsieh on winning the Student Travel Grant of ACM Multimedia 2019!
[2019.07.02] 本實驗室論文獲 ACM Multimedia 2019 接受!
Our paper got accepted to ACM Multimedia 2019!
[2019.06.28] 恭喜實驗室成員陳泓仁榮獲2019年「微軟亞洲研究院暑期實習計畫」錄取!
Congratulations AIMMLab member Hung-Jen Chen on the acceptance to 2019 Summer Intern Program of Microsoft Research Asia (MSRA)!
[2019.06.18] 恭喜實驗室成員陳婕云、翁紹恩榮獲2019年「科技部大專學生研究計畫」!
Congratulations 2 AIMMLab members on receiving the awards of 2019 MOST College Student Participation in Research Projects!
[2019.05.07] 本實驗室在美國華盛頓大學黃正能教授(IEEE Fellow)見證下,與台灣智慧駕駛共同簽署合作研究協議,並獲贈價值新台幣716萬元之台灣智慧駕駛自駕車使用權
We signed a collaboration agreement with TURING to jointly work on autonomous driving technologies and received a self-driving car donation, witnessed by Prof. Jenq-Neng Hwang (IEEE Fellow) from University of Washington

[2019.05.05-2019.05.10 @ AIMMLab] 美國華盛頓大學黃正能教授(IEEE Fellow)來訪
Prof. Jenq-Neng Hwang (IEEE Fellow) from University of Washington visiting our lab and giving talks entitled, "Coordinated 3D World Exploration for Autonomous Driving" and "Deep Learning Detection and Segmentation"

[2019.05.01] 本實驗室參與編撰台灣第一本面向高中生的人工智慧教科書,由鴻海教育基金會正式發行
We co-edited the first AI textbook for high-school students in Taiwan, published by Foxconn Education Foundation

[2019.04.30] 本實驗室4篇論文獲 IEEE ICIP 2019 接受!
Our 4 papers got accepted to IEEE ICIP 2019!
[2019.04.13-2019.04.14 @ Tainan, Taiwan] 本實驗室參與主辦第一屆台灣日本聯合多媒體與人機互動研討會,現場參與的台灣與日本學生超過50位,除了台灣11位教授外,日本計有來自東京大學、大阪大學、名古屋大學、中京大學、電氣通信大學等5校共6位教授及其研究團隊與會交流熱烈
We organized 1st Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Multimedia and HCI, with the participation of over 50 Taiwanese and Japanese students as well as 11 professors from Taiwan and 6 professors from Japan (including the University of Tokyo, Osaka University, Nagoya University, Chukyo University, University of Electro-Communications)

[2019.03.22 @ AIMMLab] 黃肇雄博士(訊連科技董事長暨台灣大學教授)來訪
Dr. Jau Huang (CEO of CyberLink Corp. and Professor of National Taiwan University) visiting our lab and giving a talk entitled, "AI on Multimedia Applications and Business Model"

[2019.03.10] 本實驗室論文獲 IEEE ICME 2019 接受!
Our paper got accepted to IEEE ICME 2019!
[2019.03.10] 本實驗室論文獲 IEEE ISCAS 2019 接受!
Our paper got accepted to IEEE ISCAS 2019!
[2019.03.01] 本實驗室論文獲國際期刊 IEEE Access 接受!
Our paper got accepted to IEEE Access!
[2019.02.26] 新加坡國立大學黃瑋璨教授來訪
Prof. Wei Tsang Ooi from National University of Singapore visiting our lab

[2019.02.25] 本實驗室論文獲 IEEE CVPR 2019 接受!
Our paper got accepted to IEEE CVPR 2019!
[2019.02.02] 本實驗室論文獲 IEEE ICASSP 2019 接受!
Our paper got accepted to IEEE ICASSP 2019!
[2019.02.01] 本實驗室論文獲 IEEE AIArt 2019 接受!
Our paper got accepted to IEEE AIArt 2019!
[2019.01.21-2019.01.25 @ Taipei, Taiwan] 本實驗室參與主辦第一屆交通大學 x 理律學堂《科技與法律跨領域寒假營隊》
We organized 2019 NCTU AI & Law Winter Camp

[2018.12.20] 本實驗室與學術夥伴成功爭取到人工智慧與多媒體研究領域的重要國際學術會議ACM ICMR的2021年大會主辦權! 期待ACM ICMR在台灣的第一次!
We won the bid for hosting 2021 ACM ICMR in Taiwan!

[2018.12.19 @ AIMMLab] 三位國際學者來訪:香港城市大學楊宗樺教授、馬來亞大學陳志勝教授、美國普渡大學陸永祥教授
Three international scholars visiting our lab: Prof. Chong-Wah Ngo from City University of Hong Kong giving a talk entitled, "The Challenge of Food Recognition from Computer Vision Perspective"; Prof. Chee Seng Chan from University of Malaya giving a talk entitled, "ArtGan - Digital Humanities Meet Deep Learning"; Prof. Yung-Hsiang Lu from Purdue University giving a talk entitled, "Research to Commercialization: (Almost) Everything You Know is Wrong"

[2018.12.12 @ AIMMLab] 北京大學劉家瑛教授來訪
Prof. Jiaying Liu from Peking University visiting our lab and giving a talk entitled, "Intelligent Image Editing"

[2018.12.09-2018.12.12 @ Taichung, Taiwan] 本實驗室參與主辦2018年IEEE VCIP國際學術會議,獲聯發科技、美國高通公司(Qualcomm)、快手APP在內等產業龍頭贊助,現場並有近200位國內外專家學者與會
We organized 2018 IEEE International Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP), where 121 out of 261 paper submissions were accepted and the technical program was complemented by three keynote speeches: "Low-dimensional Models and Deep Networks for High-dimensional Data," by Prof. Yi Ma (University of California, Berkeley); "A.I. in Practice," by Dr. Shipeng Li (iFLYTEK Co. Ltd.); "Graph Signal Processing for Machine Learning Applications: New Insights and Algorithms," by Prof. Antonio Ortega (University of Southern California)

[2018.12.04] 本實驗室論文獲國際期刊 IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE) 接受!
Our paper got accepted to IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE)!