2/19 |
Introduction [PDF]
What is Geometric Modeling ?
Recent interesting researches in Geometric Modeling
Presentation Game
2/26 3/4 |
3D Object Representations [PDF]
What is 3D Objects ?
Raw Data
Surface Representations
Solid Modeling
High-level Structures
RECALL: Introduction to 3D Model [PDF],
Representation of Curves and Surfaces [PDF], and
Solid Modeling [PDF].
NOTE: the classroom will be changed to 7th Conf. Rm. (1F), MBA No. 1 Bldg. temporary
3/11 3/18 |
Subdivision Surfaces [PDF]
What is Subdivision ?
Subdivision in 1D & 2D
Classification of Subdivision Schemes
Edwin E. Catmull and James H. Clark.
Recursively generated b-spline surfaces on arbitrary topological meshes.
Computer-Aided Design,
Vol.10, No.6, p.350 - p.355, 1978.
| 官順暉 [HTML] [PDF] |
Donald Doo and Malcolm Sabin.
Behaviour of recursive division surfaces near extraordinary points.
Computer-Aided Design,
Vol.10, No.6, p.356 - p.360, 1978.
Charles Loop.
Smooth Subdivision Surfaces Based on Triangles.
Master's Thesis, Department of Mathematics, University of Utah, 1987.
| 郭又銓 [HTML] [PDF] |
Hugues Hoppe, Tony DeRose, Tom Duchamp, Mark Halstead, Hubert Jin, John McDonald, Jean Schweitzer, and Werner Stuetzle.
Piecewise smooth surface reconstruction.
ACM SIGGRAPH 1994 Conference Proceedings,
p.295 - p.302, 1994.
Nira Dyn, David Levin, and John A. Gregory.
A butterfly subdivision scheme for surface interpolation with tension control.
ACM Transactions on Graphics,
p.160 - p.169, 1990.
| 馮維文 [HTML] [PDF] |
Denis Zorin, Peter Schröder, and Wim Sweldens.
Interpolating subdivision for meshes with arbitrary topology.
ACM SIGGRAPH 1996 Conference Proceedings,
p.189 - p.192, 1996.
Leif Kobbelt.
ACM SIGGRAPH 2000 Conference Proceedings, p.103 - p.112, 2000.
| 黃建豪 [HTML] [PDF] |
Denis Zorin.
Subdivision zoo.
Subdivision for Modeling and Animation (ACM SIGGRAPH 2000 Conference Course Notes #23), p.65 - p.102, 2000. |
Test #1
NOTE: the classroom will be changed back to Rm. 302, MBA No. 2 Bldg.
3/25 4/1 |
Surface Simplification [PDF]
Basic Idea of LOD
Discrete LOD
Continuous LOD
Typical Curve & Surface Simplification Problems
Simplification Problem Characteristics
William J. Schroeder, Jonathan A. Zarge, and William E. Lorensen.
Decimation of triangle meshes.
ACM Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH 1992 Conference Proceedings),
Vol.26, No.2, p.65 - p.70, 1992.
| 趙崧翔 [HTML] [PDF] |
Hugues Hoppe.
Progressive meshes.
ACM SIGGRAPH 1996 Conference Proceedings,
p.99 - p.108, 1996.
| 吳宗益 [HTML] [PDF] |
Hugues Hoppe.
View-dependent refinement of progressive meshes.
ACM SIGGRAPH 1997 Conference Proceedings,
p.189 - p.198, 1997.
Michael Garland and Paul S. Heckbert.
Surface simplification using quadric error metrics.
ACM SIGGRAPH 1997 Conference Proceedings,
p.209 - p.216, 1997.
| 涂正翰 [HTML] [PDF] |
Hugues Hoppe.
New quadric metric for simplifying meshes with appearance attributes.
IEEE Visualization 1999 Conference Proceedings,
p.59 - p.66, 1999.
Peter Lindstrom and Greg Turk.
Image-driven simplification.
ACM Transactions on Graphics,
Vol.19, No.3, p.204 - p.241, 2000.
| 黃鈞澤 [HTML] [PDF] |
Paul S. Heckbert and Michael Garland.
Survey of polygonal surface simplification algorithms.
Multiresolution Surface Modeling (ACM SIGGRAPH 1997 Conference Course Notes #25), 1997. |
Jonathan D. Cohen.
Concepts and algorithms for polygonal simplification.
Advanced Issues in Level of Detail (ACM SIGGRAPH 2002 Conference Course Notes #14), 2002. |
Test #2
4/8 4/15 |
Surface Parameterization [PDF]
What is Parameterization?
Shape-preserving Parameterization
Matthias Eck, Tony DeRose, Tom Duchamp, Hugues Hoppe, Michael Lounsbery, and Werner Stuetzle.
Multiresolution analysis of arbitrary meshes.
ACM SIGGRAPH 1995 Conference Proceedings,
p.173 - p.182, 1995.
| 張硯拓 [HTML] [PDF] |
Aaron W. F. Lee, Wim Sweldens, Peter Schoröder, Lawrence Cowsar, and David Dobkin.
MAPS: multiresolution adaptive parameterization of surfaces.
ACM SIGGRAPH 1998 Conference Proceedings,
p.95 - p.104, 1998.
| 鄭魁元 [HTML] [PDF] |
Bruno Lévy, Sylvain Petitjean, Nicolas Ray, and Jérome Maillot.
Least squares conformal maps for automatic texture atlas generation.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2002 Conference Proceedings),
Vol.21, No.3, p.362 - p.371, 2002.
| 蘇孟昌 [HTML] [PDF] |
Pedro V. Sander, John Snyder, Steven J. Gortler, and Hugues Hoppe.
Texture mapping progressive meshes.
ACM SIGGRAPH 2001 Conference Proceedings,
p.409 - p.416, 2001.
| 謝名凱 [HTML] [PDF] |
Emil Praun and Hugues Hoppe.
Spherical parametrization and remeshing.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2003 Conference Proceedings),
Vol.22, No.3, p.340 - p.349, 2003.
| Michael S. Floater and Kai Hormann.
Surface parameterization: a tutorial and survey.
Multiresolution in Geometric Modelling 2003 Conference Proceedings, 2003. |
Test #3
4/22 |
term project discussions: [project list]
Metamorphosis of 3D Polyhedral Models Using Progressive Connectivity Transformations [PDF]
-- by Chao-Hung Lin, Ph.D. candidate at CSIE, NCKU @ Rm. 539, CSIE Bldg.
4/29 5/6 |
Decomposition and Metamorphosis [PDF]
What is Decomposition?
What is Metamorphosis?
3D Metamorphosis Category
Masaki Hilaga, Yoshihisa Shinagawa, Taku Kohmura, and Tosiyasu L. Kunii.
Topology matching for fully automatic similarity estimation of 3d shapes.
ACM SIGGRAPH 2001 Conference Proceedings,
p.203 - p.212, 2002.
| 朱引帆 [HTML] [PDF] |
Sagi Katz and Ayellet Tal.
Hierarchical mesh decomposition using fuzzy clustering and cuts.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2003 Conference Proceedings),
Vol.22, No.3, p.954 - p.961, 2003.
| 林宏儒 [HTML] [PDF] |
Aaron Lee, David Dobkin, Wim Sweldens, and Peter Schoröder.
Multiresolution mesh morphing.
ACM SIGGRAPH 1999 Conference Proceedings,
p.343 - p.350, 1999.
| 陳宏暐 [HTML] [PDF] |
Igor Guskov, Kiril Vidimce, Wim Sweldens, and Peter Schoröder.
Normal meshes.
ACM SIGGRAPH 2000 Conference Proceedings,
p.95 - p.102, 2000.
| 張皓翔 [HTML] [PDF] |
Emil Praun, Wim Sweldens, and Peter Schoröder.
Consistent mesh parameterizations.
ACM SIGGRAPH 2001 Conference Proceedings,
p.179 - p.184, 2001.
Francis Lazarus and Anne Verroust.
Three-dimensional metamorphosis: a survey.
The Visual Computer,
Vol.14, No.8 - 9, p.373 - p.389, 1998. |
Marc Alexa.
Recent advances in mesh morphing.
Computer Graphics Forum,
Vol.21, No.2, p.173 - p.196, 2002. |
Test #4
5/13 |
term project proposal presentations
5/20 5/27 |
Free-Form Deformation [PDF]
Traditional FFD
Problems of FFD
Thomas W. Sederberg and Scott R. Parry.
Free-form deformation of solid primitives.
ACM Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH 1986 Conference Proceedings),
Vol.20, No.4, p.151 - p.160, 1986.
| 卓聖堯 [HTML] [PDF] |
Yu-Kuang Chang and Alyn P. Rockwood.
A generalized de casteljau approach to 3d free-form deformation.
ACM SIGGRAPH 1994 Conference Proceedings,
p.257 - p.260, 1994.
| 黃輔中 [HTML] [PDF] |
Ron MacCracken and Kenneth I. Joy.
Free-form deformations with lattices of arbitrary topology.
ACM SIGGRAPH 1996 Conference Proceedings,
p.181 - p.188, 1996.
| 楊惠菁 [HTML] [PDF] |
Karan Singh and Eugene Fiume.
Wires: a geometric deformation technique.
ACM SIGGRAPH 1998 Conference Proceedings,
p.405 - p.414, 1998.
| 黃建賓 [HTML] [PDF] |
Test #5
6/3 6/10 |
Implicit Surfaces [PDF]
What & Why Implicit Surfaces?
Some Implicit Surfaces
Leif P. Kobbelt, Mario Botsch, Ulrich Schwanecke, and Hans-Peter Seidel.
Feature sensitive surface extraction from volume data.
ACM SIGGRAPH 2001 Conference Proceedings,
p.57 - p.66, 2001.
| 林宏儒 |
Tao Ju, Frank Losasso, Scott Schaefer, and Joe Warren.
Dual contouring of hermite data.
ACM SIGGRAPH 2002 Conference Proceedings,
p.339 - p.346, 2002.
| 趙崧翔 |
Yutaka Ohtake, Alexander Belyaev, Marc Alexa, Greg Turk, and Hans-Peter Seidel.
Multi-level partition of unity implicits.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2003 Conference Proceedings),
Vol.22, No.3, p.463 - p.470, 2003.
| 馮維文 |
Paul E. Debevec, Camillo J. Taylor, and Jitendra Malik.
Modeling and rendering architecture from photographs: a hybrid geometry- and image-based approach.
ACM SIGGRAPH 1996 Conference Proceedings,
p.11 - p.20, 1996.
| --- |
Youichi Horry, Ken-Ichi Anjyo, and Kiyoshi Arai.
Tour into the picture: using a spidery mesh interface to make animation from a single image.
ACM SIGGRAPH 1997 Conference Proceedings,
p.225 - p.232, 1997.
| --- |
Test #6
6/17 |
term project demonstrations and oral presentations