National Taiwan University
Ph.D. candidate, Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
Advisor: Prof. Winston Hsu
2019/09 - current
GPA: 4.21/4.30
National Taiwan Normal University
M.S. degree, Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
Advisor: Prof. Tsung-Che Chiang
2017/09 - 2019/06
GPA: 4.30/4.30
National Taiwan Normal University
B.S. degree, Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
2013/09 - 2017/06
GPA: 3.74/4.30

Experience & Services
Internship Sony Group Corporation, ML Research Intern (2023/10 - 2024/03)
Reviewer NeurIPS (2024), CVPR (2024), AAAI (2023-2025), ICASSP (2024), WACV (2024-2025), ICDL (2024), ICML-W (2024), CVPR-W (2022), Soft computing (2021-2022), Neurocomputing (2020)
Teaching Assistant NTU: Advanced Topics in Multimedia Analysis and Indexing (Spring 2021)
NTU: Cognitive Computing (Fall 2020, *best TA)
NTNU: Data Science and Computer Programming (Fall 2018, Spring 2019)
NTNU: Computer Programming II (Spring 2018)
NTNU: Computer Programming I (Fall 2017)

2022 PhD Scholarship One of the recipient of 2022 NOVATEK (聯詠科技) PhD Scholarship!
2019 Master Thesis Award Honorable mention in 2019 ORSTW competition!
2018 Programming Contest Honorable mention in 2018 ITSA Annual Collegiate Programming Contest!
2016~ Computer Games Surakarta:
4 (TCGA'20, TCGA'19, TAAI'18, TCGA'17)
7 (ICGA'22, TAAI'19, ICGA'19, ICGA'18, TAAI'17, ICGA'17, TAAI'16)
1 (ICGA'20)
1 (TCGA'19)
3 (TAAI'19, TAAI'18, TAAI'17)