- Theodore Shifrin and Malcolm Adams: Linear Algebra: A Geometric Approach, 2nd Ed., Freeman, 2010
- David C. Lay: Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 3rd Ed., Addison-Wesley, 2003
- Spence, Insel, and Friedberg:
Elementary Linear Algebra: A Matrix Approach, 2nd Ed., Pearson FT Press, 2014
- Friedberg, Insel, and Spence: Linear Algebra, 4th Ed., Prentice Hall Press, 2013
- Introduction
- Vectors and Matrices
- Matrix Algebra
- Vector Spaces
- Projections and Linear Transformations
- Determinants
- Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
- Symmetric Matrices and Singular Value Decompositions
- Jordan Forms
- 吳孟勳 : Office hours: (三) 15:00--16:00, R501; Email: vincentwu007@cmlab.csie.ntu.edu.tw,(Hw: 1,4,7,10)
- 曹千祐 : Office hours: (一) 13:00--14:00, R501; Email: d10944006@csie.ntu.edu.tw, (Hw: 2,5,8,11)
- 呂羿賢 : Office hours: (四) 14:30--15:30, R506; Email: luyihsien@cmlab.csie.ntu.edu.tw, (Hw: 3,6,9,12)
Google meet online class link:
- Chapter 0: Chap0.pdf
- Chapter 1: Chap1.pdf
- Chapter 2: Chap2.pdf
- Chapter 3:
- Chapter 4: Chap4.pdf
- Chapter 5: Chap5.pdf
- Chapter 6: Chap6.pdf
- Chapter 7: Chap7.pdf
- Chapter 8: Chap8.pdf
- Hw Q & A    : QA.pdf
- Homework 1: Hw1.pdf, (due day: 9/19)
- Homework 2: Hw2.pdf, (due day: 9/26)
- Homework 3: Hw3.pdf, (due day: 10/3)
- Homework 4: Hw4.pdf, (due day: 10/17)
- Homework 5: Hw5.pdf, (due day: 10/24)
- Homework 6: Hw6.pdf, (due day: 10/31)
- Homework 7: Hw7.pdf, (due day: 11/14)
- Homework 8: Hw8.pdf, (due day: 11/21)
- Homework 9: Hw9.pdf, (due day: 11/28)
- Homework 10: Hw10.pdf, (due day: 12/5)
- Homework 11: Hw11.pdf, (due day: 12/12)
- Homework 12: Hw12.pdf, (due day: 12/19)