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Skeleton-driven Animation Transfer based on Consistent Volume Parameterization
Yen-Tuo Chang
Bing-Yu Chen
Wan-Chi Luo
Jian-Bin Huang
National Taiwan University
To edit or create the animation of a 3D character model has always
been an important but time-consuming task, since the animator
usually needs to set up the character's skeleton, paint its binding
weights, and adjust its key-poses. Hence, we propose an animation
transfer system in this paper to take a well-edited character
animation as the input. Then, the system can transfer the skeleton,
binding weights, and other attributes of the given character model
to another one with only a few corresponding feature points
specified. The transferring process is based on consistent volume
parameterization which inherited from consistent surface
parameterization. Hence, the animator can start to create a
skeleton-driven animation for the new character model without any
prior setting. Moreover, our system is also capable of cloning a
skeleton-driven animation to several other character models which
can be used in a crowd animation.
Citation (bibTex)
Yen-Tuo Chang, Bing-Yu Chen, Wan-Chi Luo, and Jian-Bin Huang.
Skeleton-driven Animation Transfer based on Consistent Volume Parameterization.
Proceedings of Computer Graphics International 2006,
p.78 - p.89,

CGI 2006 paper (9.70MB PDF)
720x480 DivX Avi (45.2MB)
last update:
by robin -a-t- ntu.edu.tw