Course Information
Lecturer: Prof. 吳家麟 (
TA: 李旻倫 R505
TA Hour : By appointment via email.
TA: 李旻倫 R505
TA Hour : By appointment via email.
● Backgrounds of
Digital Watermarking (DW)
- Digital Watermarking and Digital Rights Management
- Models of Digital Watermarking
- DW Theory and Practice
- Multimedia Watermarking
● Multimedia Forensics (Cybercrime Prevention)
- Introduction to Image Source
- Detecting Doubly Compressed Images
- Cryptographic Primitives
- Perturbation and Permutation based Data Randomization (Data Value Masking)
- Secure Multi-Party Computation (Secret Sharing)
- Andrew Yao’s Millionaire’s Problem
- Homomorphic Encryption Schemes Bilinear Pairing based Encryption Schemes
- Introduction to Searchable Encryption
- Chaotic-map based Joint Encryption and Compression
- Privacy Preserving Arithmetic Operations On Compression Encrypted Media
- Confidential Machine Learning
- Digital Watermarking and Digital Rights Management
- Models of Digital Watermarking
- DW Theory and Practice
- Multimedia Watermarking
- Introduction to Image Source
- Detecting Doubly Compressed Images
- Introduc5on to Video Forgery Detection
● Privacy Preserving Information Processing- Cryptographic Primitives
- Perturbation and Permutation based Data Randomization (Data Value Masking)
- Secure Multi-Party Computation (Secret Sharing)
- Andrew Yao’s Millionaire’s Problem
- Homomorphic Encryption Schemes Bilinear Pairing based Encryption Schemes
- Introduction to Searchable Encryption
- Chaotic-map based Joint Encryption and Compression
- Privacy Preserving Arithmetic Operations On Compression Encrypted Media
- Confidential Machine Learning
● Mid-term
1. A brief Survey report about any one of the security issues may or may not be covered in the lectures. (15 %)
2. A brief Survey report about any one of the Techniques may or may not covered in the lectures. (25%)
● Final Project (60%):
- A group (with Maximum 3 members) tries to realize/investigate a security related final project
proposed by the group members.
- The grading depends on the satisfaction of the group’s 30 mins. Oral presentation in the Final.
1. A brief Survey report about any one of the security issues may or may not be covered in the lectures. (15 %)
Deadline: 5/3
PDF format, at least 4 pages.
PDF file name example: 王小明_r08922XXX (name_student ID)
Submission link:
PDF format, at least 4 pages.
PDF file name example: 王小明_r08922XXX (name_student ID)
Submission link:
2. A brief Survey report about any one of the Techniques may or may not covered in the lectures. (25%)
Deadline: 5/17
PDF format, at least 4 pages.
PDF file name example: 王小明_r08922XXX (name_student ID)
Submission link:
PDF format, at least 4 pages.
PDF file name example: 王小明_r08922XXX (name_student ID)
Submission link:
● Final Project (60%):
- A group (with Maximum 3 members) tries to realize/investigate a security related final project
proposed by the group members.
- The grading depends on the satisfaction of the group’s 30 mins. Oral presentation in the Final.
Deadline: 6/21 23:59
further investigate/realize your interested topic. (a) a report
(b) a silde presentation file (with 30mins vocal explanation recorded slide-by-slide) of (a)
Group submission:
Submission link:
further investigate/realize your interested topic. (a) a report
(b) a silde presentation file (with 30mins vocal explanation recorded slide-by-slide) of (a)
Group submission:
Submission link:
Lecture Notes
Lecture 1
Lecture 1.1 Introduction to Multimedia
Lecture 1.2 My Research on Multimedia-Security
0222course recording
Lecture 1.2 My Research on Multimedia-Security
0222course recording
Lecture 2
Lecture 2.1 Security Science and Engineering
Over IOT-202011version
Lecture 2.2 Some discussions about PP-Information processing
0308course recording
Lecture 2.2 Some discussions about PP-Information processing
0308course recording
Lecture 3
Lecture 3.1 Basic Cryptography and
Homomorphic Encryption
Lecture 3.2 Commitment and OT
Lecture 3.3 Yao's garbled circuits
Lecture 3.4 Yao's Millionaires Problem
Lecture 3.5 Multiparty Computation using GC
0315course recording
Lecture 3.2 Commitment and OT
Lecture 3.3 Yao's garbled circuits
Lecture 3.4 Yao's Millionaires Problem
Lecture 3.5 Multiparty Computation using GC
0315course recording
Lecture 4
Lecture 5
Lecture 5.1 Introduction to Searchable
Lecture 5.2 Introduction to privacy preserving search new
0329course recording
Lecture 5.2 Introduction to privacy preserving search new
0329course recording
Lecture 7
Lecture 8
Lecture 9
Lecture 9.1 Functional
Lecture 9.3. Elliptic Curve Encryption
0426course recording
Lecture 9.3. Elliptic Curve Encryption
0426course recording
Lecture 10
Introduction to Pairing-based Cryptography
oral part 1
Introduction to Pairing-based Cryptography oral part 2
Elliptic Curve Encryption
0503course recording
Introduction to Pairing-based Cryptography oral part 2
Elliptic Curve Encryption
0503course recording
Lecture 6
Lecture 11
google meet link:
course time: 5/17 13:20~16:10
FHE in cryptography research.1
FHE in cryptography research.2
FHE in cryptography research.oral.1
FHE in cryptography research.oral.2
0517course recording
course time: 5/17 13:20~16:10
FHE in cryptography research.1
FHE in cryptography research.2
FHE in cryptography research.oral.1
FHE in cryptography research.oral.2
0517course recording
google meet link:
course time: 5/24 13:20~16:10
PP-Face and Face De-ID
Deidentification in Multimedia Non-Tech Survey.1
0524course recording
google meet link:
course time: 5/31 13:20~16:10
0531course recording
google meet link:
course time: 6/7 13:20~16:10
Security and Privacy Issues of SN.short
0607course recording
course time: 5/24 13:20~16:10
PP-Face and Face De-ID
Deidentification in Multimedia Non-Tech Survey.1
0524course recording
google meet link:
course time: 5/31 13:20~16:10
0531course recording
google meet link:
course time: 6/7 13:20~16:10
Security and Privacy Issues of SN.short
0607course recording
Resource & Reference
1. Mining the Web:
Discovering Knowledge from Hypertext Data, by Soumen
Chakrabarti, Morgan Kaufmann, 2002. (Selected Chapters)
2. Web Data Mining: Exploring Hyperlinks, Contents, and Usage Data, by Bing Liu, Springer, 2006. (Selected Chapters)
3. Modern Information Retrieval, by Ricardo Baeza-Yates and Berthier Ribeiro-Neto, Addison-Wesley, 1999. (Selected Chapters)
4. Selected papers (mainly from SIGIR, WWW, CIKM, JASIST & ACM TOIS)
2. Web Data Mining: Exploring Hyperlinks, Contents, and Usage Data, by Bing Liu, Springer, 2006. (Selected Chapters)
3. Modern Information Retrieval, by Ricardo Baeza-Yates and Berthier Ribeiro-Neto, Addison-Wesley, 1999. (Selected Chapters)
4. Selected papers (mainly from SIGIR, WWW, CIKM, JASIST & ACM TOIS)
● Midterm brief survey
A: brief survey 可以自行選擇有興趣的 Security-related topic,沒有主題或是格式限制,清楚明瞭佳,至少四頁。可以參考課程提及的reference。
● A brief Survey report about security issues 和 A brief Survey report about Techniques的差別?
A: 前者要求對某個有興趣的題目探討目前學術上的發展及問題,後者要求討論某項技術在目前應用的狀況或發展。
A: brief survey 可以自行選擇有興趣的 Security-related topic,沒有主題或是格式限制,清楚明瞭佳,至少四頁。可以參考課程提及的reference。
● A brief Survey report about security issues 和 A brief Survey report about Techniques的差別?
A: 前者要求對某個有興趣的題目探討目前學術上的發展及問題,後者要求討論某項技術在目前應用的狀況或發展。
● Final Project 的形式?
A: applications realize/investigate 分組1~3人並要求30分鐘的 presentation 及 report。
A: applications realize/investigate 分組1~3人並要求30分鐘的 presentation 及 report。
● Mideterm brief
Survey 與 Final Project
Invertigate/Realize 的差別?
A: 我們建議 Final Project 可以作為 Miterm Survey 的延伸(不強迫),所以應該要有更深入的內容以及自己的想法,
或是一些 implment 的實驗結果,簡單的 reproduce/分析/改進想法也可以
A: 我們建議 Final Project 可以作為 Miterm Survey 的延伸(不強迫),所以應該要有更深入的內容以及自己的想法,
或是一些 implment 的實驗結果,簡單的 reproduce/分析/改進想法也可以